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  • University of Siegen, Chair of Water Resources Management and Climate Impact Research, Prof. P. Reggiani

Short name:

  • AgriH2O-CE


  • 3 years

Short descripton:

The goal of the proposed research project is to explore the potential of ecologically sustainable farming in Chile, including the impact of the extension of such practices with respect to conventional farming on water resources and soils in Central Chile. In this context a strategy for a sustainable management of land and surface water resources should be elaborated. Focus are two testbed basins and there agricultural exploitation. The project will investigate the effects of changing hydrological conditions on the interaction between farming practices and surface/groundwater resources, with a focus on the water resources budget and the chemical state of water bodies. The actual water demand vs. supply balance will be studied and extrapolated to potential future scenarios of land-use practices under effects of climate change. The analysis will look at both, water quantity and quality. On the basis of present and future stresses on soil and water resources, expected future resources use scenarios will be developed and evaluated for the testbed regions. On the basis of existing water resources and eco-hydrological conditions and future changes due to an expanding export-oriented farming economy and climate change the proposed project will develop a management strategy in cooperation between local and German partners. The strategy is aimed at guiding and supporting a sustainable management of water and soil resources by optimizing conventional farming practices and strengthening of eco-sustainable farming.

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