Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
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How to find us

By bus and train

Start at Siegen central station (ZOB) resp. station Siegen-Weidenau with Line C111 or C106 in the direction Universität/Haardter Berg. Leave the bus at the bus stop "Wilhelm von Humboldt-Platz". Follow the street in driving direction until you reach traffic pblights. Cross the road and enter the "Walter-Gropius-Weg". Follow this way till its end. The "Paul-Bonatz-Building" is now directly in front of you.

By car

Take the B54N (HTS) in direction of Siegen-Weidenau. Leave the road at the exit "Siegen-Weidenau" in direction of Netphen. At the second traffic lights turn left into the street "Am Eichenhang". At the second crossover turn right into the street "Wilhelm von Humboldt-Platz". When you face the next traffic lights turn left into the street "Walter-Gropius-Weg". Follow the street till the end. The parking place is directly in front of you.


Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11
57076 Siegen-Weidenau
Building A

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche