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M.SC  Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes 

University of Siegen
Faculty of Science and Technology
International Student Advisor

Ms. Faria Afzal

Hoelderlin Campus
Room: H-A 4103/1
Hoelderlinstraße 3
D-57076 Siegen - Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 271 740 4415
Fax: +49 (0) 271 740 2648
E-Mail:  igs.advisor@nt.uni-siegen.de

Office hours: Please arrange for an appointment by e-mail.

Further information



The degree program

The Master's course programme "Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes" at the University of Siegen confers an academic degree which qualifies the title holder as scientific and engineering consultant in the field of Hydro-Environmental Extremes.

The course prepares graduates towards working independently within doctoral programmes in one of the related sub-disciplines of civil engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, mechanical engineering or computer science. It also trains engineers and project managers for leading positions in industry, business and public administration.

Admission requirements

A bachelor's degree in civil engineering, civil engineering dual degree, mechanical engineering or computer science at the University of Siegen, or a course of study of at least three years with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, environmental sciences, geology including engineering and hydrogeology, geosciences, geography or geophysics at a state or state-recognized university.

English level of proficiency

A prerequisite for admission to the specialized study program "Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes" is also the proof of English language skills on level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). If you are unsure about your own certificate, here some websites that help assessing the equivalence with CEFR:

Compare TOEFL iBT Scores (ets.org)

B2 First Certificate (FCE) | Cambridge exams | Guide to English exams (ef.com)

Module overview

You will receive 120 credit points for successfully completing the Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes Master's degree programme.

The programme lasts four semesters. You can only study the programme full-time and it starts in the winter semester.

The Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes Master's degree programme is adaptive, i.e. it depends on your previous Bachelor's degree. The programme comprises an adaptation block corresponding to your previous education, a compulsory area with six modules, an elective area and concludes with the Master's thesis.

Adaptation block (6 ECTS)

Adaptation block for training students with background in civil engineering and environmental sciences, geology including engineering and hydrogeology, geosciences, geography and geophysics

Introduction to Programming

Adaptation block for training students with background in mechanical engineering and computer science

Water challenges in a changing world

Compulsory courses (36 ECTS)

Geotechnical aspects in water and environment

Integrated River Basin Management

Process-based Hydrological Modeling

Flood Risk and Resilience in Hydraulic Engineering

Urban Flood Modelling

Uncertainty in soil mechanics and water resources

Elective courses (48 ECTS)

GIS applications

Scientific Visualization

Deep Learning

Numerical Methods for Visual Computing

Virtual Reality

Water Quality and Quantity Management

Design of Hydraulic Structures

Reliability assessment for civil engineering structures

Sustainable Urban Planning

Computational fluid Dynamics

Interdisciplinary project group

Introduction to Machine Learning

Introduction to Programming

Water challenges in a changing world

Masterarbeit (30 ECTS)

Master thesis Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes

  • Where can I enroll?
    You must enroll in Unison.
  • How do I know whether my achievements will be recognized?
    After you are enrolled in Unisono and have uploaded your documents, your achievements will be checked.
  • Can I apply for a scholarship for international students?
    Yes, have a look at this website for a list of opportunities:
  • How to download Admission-Rejection letter
  • Step from admission to classes
  • Understanding Admission Letter
  • To do list for international students before arrival
  • General information for International students
  • Unisono Pre enrollemnt
  • City registration and visa extension
  • Unisono info for the enrolled students
  • Zimt services
  • Unisono course registration

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