The Master’s course programme „Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes“ at the University of Siegen confers an academic degree which qualifies the title holder as scientific and engineering consultant in the field of Hydro-Environmental Extremes.The course prepares graduates towards working independently within doctoral programmes in one of the related sub-disciplines of civil engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, mechanical engineering or computer science. It also trains engineers and project managers for leading positions in industry, business and public administration.
This joint course is part of the HDE course and ist taught by Prof. Lesny and Prof. Reggiani. Prof. Lesny is responsible for the part "Uncertainties in Soil Mechanics", whereas Prof. Reggiani will teach "Uncertainties in Water Resources".
Please register fot the module via Unisono and then for the Moodle course to obtain all necessary information.
Course content:
• uncertainty quantification and assessment
• Bayesion theory for model parametrerisation
• stochastic modelling of time-dependent environmental processes
• uncertainty in water resourses-related problems
• predictive uncertainty in flow forecasting
• dynamic programming in water resources management under uncertainty
• relationship between formation history of the ground and the composition of soil
Courses Uncertainties Soil/Water