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Research Institute for Water and Environment


Chair of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Engineering



   Prof. Dr. phil. habil Jorge Leandro

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Engineering, from the Research Institute for Water and Environment, at the University of Siegen!

The mission of the chair is to contribute to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development goals and implementation of the Sendai framework as defined by the UNDRR. Geographically we are ideally placed in Siegen-Wittgenstein to tackle these challenges regionally and in Germany. Our international network of partners allows us to extend our outreach globally.

We focus mainly on five research areas for which our team has strengthened its expertise over the last 10+ years:

  1. Urban flood forecasting and early warning systems
  2. Risk-Resilience and cascading effects of critical infrastructure and health
  3. Numerical modelling
  4. Hydraulic engineering design
  5. Hydraulic model experiments

Our vision for the coming years includes: a) furthering our presence on the international stage and a) a deeper engagement into solving regional problems. To achieve these goals, not only our team but also our students play a major role.

More information on our research and teaching activities can be found at our website; enjoy exploring and we look forward to hearing from you!