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Project: "Extreme Precipitation- Holistic-oriented risk management in Latin America"

  • University of Siegen, Chair of Water Management Risk Assessment and Climate Impact Research, Prof. P. Reggiani
  • University of Siegen, Chair of Spatial and Transport Planning, Prof. J. Steinbrecher
  • Milenka Sojadienski, consultant, and Univesidad de Montevideo
  • Carlos Alberto Huenchuleo Pedreros, Universidad de Talca e Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - CHILE, and Tomas Saavedra, 4C Engineering Company
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 2 years
Short description:

A number of countries in Latin America suffer from the consequences of inadequately controlled urbanization, inadequate measures in the management of river basin districts, and the consequences of climate change. Rising precipitation intensities coupled with a rapid spread of urban areas and a dewatering infrastructure that can not keep pace with this development lead to damage in floods and floods with far-reaching socioeconomic consequences. Above all, settlements with a high infrastructure and population density as well as strong economic productivity are particularly affected. Risk mitigation and mitigating the consequences can only be achieved by intensifying the early recognition of the problem, by the timely taking of measures according to the "no regret" principle in the planning and structuring of interventions during and after the events.

The aim of the measure is to support a participatory process in order to bring the various strategies and connections of risk management and adaptation strategies to climate change into account in municipalities, representatives from industry, science, authorities and other stakeholders, and the interdisciplinary approach Cooperation. The topics to be dealt with include: (i) the quantification of precipitation as a causative meteorological burden, (ii) the early detection and spatial identification of flood-prone areas, (iii) the spatial design of the road area and traffic modeling in urban environments; (iv) the discussion of approaches to the assessment of flood risks And damage prevention, as well as (v) alarm and emergency planning. The project is located in Uruguay and Chile. It is important to solve the pressing issues of risk identification and risk prevention together and to develop a uniform understanding of problems.

Lectures Montevideo:

Lectures Chile:

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