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Project: "Holistic Water Quality Management in Latin America"

  • University of Siegen, Chair of Water Management Risk Assessment and Climate Impact Research, Prof. P. Reggiani
  • University of Siegen, Chair of Spatial and Transport Planning, Prof. J. Steinbrecher
  • Instituto de Metalurgia / Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México, Dra. María Guadalupe Sánchez-Loredo
  • University of Belize, Faculty of Science and Technology, M.Sc. Josué H. Aké
  •  German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 2 years
Short description:
A number of countries in Latin America suffer from the consequences of insufficient controlled urbanization, inadequate measures in the management of river basin districts, which are expressed in water pollution. Old and new water pollution caused by nutrients, excessive nitrogen surplus, loads by priority substances and micro-pollutants, coupled with the rapid proliferation of urban areas, and the planning of drainage infrastructure that cannot keep abreast with this development lead to a worsening of water quality with a wide-ranging socioeconomic consequences. Water pollution leads to a new form of water shortage,because it reduces the utilisation of fresh water resources and limits  it when they are needed most. Prevention and improvement of water quality can only be achieved by means of joint action and the adoption/conduction of measures and management strategies in river basins.

The aim of the project is to support a participatory process in order to bring into mind to responsible municipalities, representatives from economy, science, authorities and other stakeholders the various strategies and coherences of water quality management, and to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation. The topics to be addressed include (i) the pollution of surface waters and groundwater; (ii) measures to reduce pollutant; (iii) the avoidance of pollutants; (iv) water quality management on the basis of EU WFD (stocktaking, monitoring, management planning and action programs, participatory processes).

Downloadarea San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Downloadarea Mendoza, Argentinien

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