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Exam Preparation

To prepare for the exams in the modules Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics as well as Geotechnical Engineering I, we have uploaded various mock exams from previous semesters on this page (in German). Please note that not every semester new mock exams will be provided and that the format of the exams may change over time. We do not provide mock exams for the examination part Engineering Geology.

You can obtain the required password from the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering upon presentation of your current student ID. If you have problems with the download, please let us know.

In addition, we offer revision courses before the examination dates. Students registered in unisono for the respective examination will be informed of the exact dates in due time by e-mail.


Partial Exam Soil Mechanics:

Soil Mechanics 1

Soil Mechanics 2

Soil Mechanics 3

Soil Mechanics 4


Exam Geotechnical Engineering I: 

Examinations since SoSe 2020

Geotechnical Engineering I SoSe 2021

Goetechnical Engineering I WiSe 2020/2021

Geotechnical Engineering I SoSe 2020


Examinations before SoSe 2020

Geotechnical Eningeering I - 01

Geotechnical Engineering I - 02

Geotechnical Engineering I - 03

Geotechnical Engineering I - 04

Geotechnical Engineering I - 05

Geotechnical Engineering I - 06

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