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In Situ

For indirect ground site investigations, we offer dynamic probing for indirect explorations. Direct explorations can be carried out as small boreholes. Furthermore, static and dynamic plate load tests, all procedures of in situ density tests and also density tests with the isotope probe can be carried out:

•    dynamic probing according to DIN EN ISO 22476-2 (DPL, DMP, DPH)
•    Small boreholes according to DIN EN ISO 22475-1
•    Density tests according to DIN 18125-2
•    Density tests with the isotope probe
•    Static plate load tests according to DIN 18134
•    Dynamic plate load tests
•    CBR tests
•    Inclinometer measurements
•    Extraction of undisturbed soil samples (up to EK1, GK1)

Other investigations are possible - if necessary in cooperation with external partners - such as:
•    Load tests
•    Application of the observation method according to DIN 1054
we plan, support and evaluate on an expert basis.


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