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Laboratory equipment 

The Chair of Geotechnical Engineering has extensive laboratory facilities for carrying out soil mechanics tests. Among others, the following experimental equipment can be used:

Laboratory tests:

•    Determination of permeability according to DIN EN ISO 17892-11
•    Determination of grain size distribution according to DIN EN ISO 17892-4
•    Determination of grain density according to DIN 18124 / special method (helium pycnometer)
•    Determination of the Atterberg limits according to DIN EN ISO 17892-12 and DIN 18122-2
•    Determination of the density of non-cohesive soils for maximum and minimum compactness according to DIN 18126
•    Determination of the Proctor density according to DIN 18127
•    Determination of density of soil according to DIN 18125-2
•    Determination of shear strength (direct shear test) according to DIN EN ISO 17892-10
•    Determination of uniaxial compression strength (unconfined compression test) according to DIN EN ISO 17892-7
•    Determination of compressibility (oedometertest) according to DIN EN ISO 17892-5
•    Determination of water absorption according to DIN 18132
•    Determination of lime content according to DIN 18129, as well as with the pressure calcimeter (own development)
•    Determination of water content according to DIN EN ISO 17892-1 and DIN 18121-2
•    Determination of the organic content according to DIN 18128




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