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Geotechnics I


Brief description

The module Geotechnics I consists of two courses in the winter and summer semester (3rd and 4th semester of the Bachelor's programme). The first part of the course focuses on soil mechanics and fundamentals of geotechnical engineering. In the second part of the course, the design of geotechnical structures according to relevant design standards, i.e. Eurocode 7 with the relevant national regulations, is presented. The first part of the module covered in the winter semester builds on the knowledge acquired in the module Geology and Soil Mechanics. Thus, the history of the formation of soils and rocks as well as the resulting properties of these materials determine the load-bearing behaviour of the building ground as well as the suitability of soils as a building material. The focus is on stress propagation in the ground and its resulting deformation and strength behaviour, but also on the influence of flowing groundwater and the use of soil as a building material. This knowledge then forms the basis for the design of shallow and deep foundations, embankments, excavation pits and groundwater control in the second part of the module.  

course contents

•   Influence of groundwater and groundwater flow

•   Stresses in the soil, Therzaghi´s principle, stress induced by structural loads and stress propagation

•   Deformation and strength behaviour of soils, calculation of deformation, consolidation

•   Determination of stress limit states, classical theories and methods for the calculation of earth pressure and earth resistance including selected special cases

•   Safety concept according to Eurocode 7 and DIN 1054, introduction to relevent European and national standards and regulations in geotechnical engineering

•   Structural layout, design and construction of shallows and deep foundations, selected types of retaining structures, embankments, groundwater retention

•   Procedure and test methods for earthworks, layout of earthwork structures


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