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Foundation Engineering and Special Foundation Construction


Brief description

The module Foundation Engineering and Special Foundation Construction is a compulsory module in the specialisation Traffic and Road Engineering in the Master's degree programme. It is also suitable as an elective module in the other specialisations such as structural engineering, building construction and water and environment.  Building on the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's degree programme from the compulsory modules Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics as well as Geotechnics I, students learn more complex geotechnical constructions, their load-bearing behaviour and relevant design methods in this module. Selected methods of special foundation construction, their function and suitability for various applications, taking into account the relevant construction and manufacturing standards, are also the subject of the associated course. In exercises, the students also gain insight into a suitable geotechnical software package and are guided to work independently on selected problems from the subject areas. It is recommended that students take the elective module Geotechnical Engineering Practical Project in the Bachelor's degree programme in preparation for this module.

course content

•   Design of foundation slabs and rafts 

•   Deep foundations (axially and laterally loaded piles, pile installation, pile load tests, group effects, piled rafts)

•   Stiff retaining walls (bored pile walls, diaphragm walls), deep excavation pits, excavations pits in water

•   Construction with geosynthetics, methods for slope and embankment stabilisation

•   Ground improvement, construction in the building stock, rehabilitation of foundations, measurement equipment and monitoring


Module Foundation Engineering and Special Foundation Construction 

Courses Foundation Engineering and Special Foundation Construction



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