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Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics


Brief Description

The module Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics consists of the courses Engineering Geology in the 1st and Soil Mechanics in the 2nd semester of the Bachelor's degree programme and is a compulsory module. In the course Engineering Geology, students are first familiarised with the engineering geological basics such as the formation, composition and structure of soils and rocks as well as the manifestations of groundwater. In the course Soil Mechanics, they learn about the soil as a multi-phase system and the basic phenomena of its soil mechanical behaviour. In particular, the relevant soil investigation methods and soil mechanics laboratory tests are dealt with. The execution and evaluation of the laboratory tests to determine the decisive soil mechanical parameters for the subsequent geotechnical dimensioning is taught in a practical manner within the framework of laboratory exercises.

course contents

•   Phenomena of groundwater

•   Foundation of soils and rocks, compositon and structure of soils, soil as a multiphase system

•   Geological-geophysical and geotechnicals ground investigations methods, representation and interpretation

•   Classification systems and classification of soils and rock according to relevent standards

•   Properties of soils and rocks relevant for construction processes

•   Fundamentals of the mechanical behaviour of soils

•   Soil mechanics testing (laboratory and field testing) and independent performance of selected tests in the laboratory 



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