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Practical Project Geotechnics


Brief description

The module Practical Project Geotechnics is a compulsory elective module in the specialisation areas of structural engineering and water and environment in the Bachelor's degree programme. Here, the knowledge acquired in the compulsory modules Geology and Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics is deepened and expanded. The focus is also on conveying the competences and qualifications required for geotechnical engineering practice. The students work on a real project from construction practice, such as the design of an excavation pit, a foundation or a retaining structure. In doing so, they get to know a standard software that is widely used in the geotechnical engineering practice, which they use for the design according to the relevant geotechnical design procedures and standards. They also gain an insight into geotechnical reporting and learn to present and discuss the results of their project work in an appropriate manner in presentations and a final project report.

course contents

•  In-depth understanding and application of the teaching contents from the module Geotechnis to practical problems

•  Design of geotechnical constructions, also under complex or special boundary conditions (shallow and piled foundations, slopes, excavations pits and groundwater control systems)

•  Introduction to a geotechnical software package using selected project examples

•  Basics of geotechnical processing: geotechnical reporting, evaluation of project information, project processing sequence

•  Working on a real project in small groups with presentation of interim results and writing of a project report as ingredients of the exam

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