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The Teaching Program

The Chair of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Engineering is embedded in the Department of Civil Engineering and offers lectures both in the Bachelor and Master program. This includes important basic subjects such as Hydromechanics I and II, Hydraulic Engineering I and II as well as numerous advanced subjects.

In order to deepen the acquired knowledge, participation in colloquia/seminars and excursions is offered in addition to pure lectures and lecture hall exercises. A special concern of the chair is to offer topics for student research projects and theses that are highly up-to-date. On the one hand, these can be practice-relevant topics with a scientific claim, which in most cases are carried out in cooperation with stakeholders of the water management practice, and on the other hand, research-oriented topics within the framework of ongoing research projects.

The field of water and environment in the civil engineering course of studies

Together with the Chair of Wastewater and Waste Engineering and the Chair of Water Resources Risk Assessment and Climate Impact Research, the Chair of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Engineering forms the Department of Water and Environment in the Civil Engineering program. Several elective courses are available in both the bachelor's and master's degree programs to form a focus profile in the area of water resources management.