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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jorge Leandro

Raum: PB-B 0109

E-Mail: jorge.leandro@uni-siegen.de

Tel.: +49 (0)271 740-2172

Fr. 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung

Übungen & Organisatorisches

Sebastian Ramsauer, M.Sc.

Raum: PB-F 101

E-Mail: sebastian.ramsauer@uni-siegen.de

Tel.: +49 (0)271 740-4654

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Urban Flood Modelling (M.Sc.)

UFM.svgOn this page you will find information about the Master module Urban Flood Modelling (see module description).

Student learning goals

After completion of this module, the students are able to set up one- and two-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical models, to operate them fundamentally and to interpret the results of the model calculations. They will learn how to process input data and how to prepare results, e.g. for flood risk maps or design tasks. Software is used which is also used by engineering offices and authorities, so that the students can demonstrate relevant modeling experience for a career entry.

Lecture/Exercise Dates

Lecture/Exercise: The module is taught on an annual basis and can be taken again in the summer semester of 2021.

The teaching language of this module is ENGLISH.